Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Don't you realize that we are just passing through?"

In the movie "Out of Africa" that I have watched at least 45 times, there is a line said by Robert Redford to Meryl Streep that I want to share with you. Streep and Redford are dancing at the New Year's Eve party and she is telling him all of her concerns about her coffee farm and her nationals that she supports, the low productivity of her farm, etc. Several times she mentions "my farm", "my natives", etc. Redford responds, "Baroness, you certainly have alot of 'my's' in your life. Don't you realize that we don't really 'own' anything? Don't you realize that we are just passing through?"

Again, I have been trying to sort out the "passing through" of our particular lives in light of the events that are moving so fast today.

As products of the 50's - the light, bright, fun and fantastic 50's, (yes, we do the jitterbug), my husband and I married in 1962 and stood on the threshold of "The Brave New World", but didn't really know it.

As a new young "on fire" pastor and his wife, we bravely set off to the mission field of Mississippi to "save" Mississippi and of course, the rest of the world too. Larry was so fired up that we thought it would maybe take him "two weeks" to accomplish this mission.

Being a native Mississippian, he felt incredibly qualified to do God's will in Mississippi. Passing through Mississippi in the 60's was a challenge to stay alive. He began by consistently preaching from the pulpit that "The Ground is Level at the Foot of the Cross". He added to the mix marching with the Catholic priests in the Delta of Mississippi for the rights of all people. Larry became a pastor of a small African church in the heart of the Mississippi Delta. Passing through Mississippi at this time, we watched as 50 miles away in Marks, Mississippi, Martin Luther King started the mule train to go to Washington, D. C., where he gave his famous speech, "I Have a Dream". And, passing through Mississippi, we were accompanied by our small sons, one of whom developed a brain tumor and died at the age of 16 months. Before we passed on through the Mississippi mud, we had a beautiful baby daughter to accompany our eldest son. And, in passing through Mississippi, we had crosses burned in our yard and received many hate letters. We alienated many friends and relatives, though many of them loved us anyway and through all our trials. And, we were meeting the planes that came in with the gray boxes from Vietnam bearing the 53,000 beautiful young men and women of America who died in Vienam - our college buddies. Passing through Mississippi took a little longer than two weeks.

Passing through Georgia, Larry pastored two fantastic, traditional Presbyterian USA churches. Again, he had to hold the line on the racial issue and both of the churches were persuaded to "do the right thing." They led their communities in the fight for racial justice. Passing through Georgia.

Passing through Arkansas under the leadership of Gov. Clinton and Hilary, we ran into another huge cultural problem. Again, Larry had to keep the flag high for racial justice and he was persecuted many times for his stance and by not sitting on the fence for racial justice. He preached justice for all of the poor and illiterate of Arkanasas. Twenty-five percent of the people in our county could not read. We were always very busy, passing through Arkansas. Gov. Clinton promised us the moon and the stars while raising taxes 5 times in our 10 years there. Gov. Clinton was also very busy in many other ways which was common knowledge among his constituents. But, the kicker in passing through Arkansas was the new cultural courage of our traditionally married choir director to come out of the closet. He thought it would be just fine to present his lifestyle as a learning curve to our young people in the church. Again, Larry held the line and unequivocally told him "no". As long Larry was pastor of this church, he would not allow the leadership of the church to present homosexuality as a lifestyle to be sought after by the young people of the church. God meant marriage to be betweem a man and a woman and for the reproduction of human life. All of us are sinners and need God's forgiveness. Homosexuals are always welcome in the church but approval of the lifestyle is not God's teaching. Passing through Arkansas, we had our salary frozen for 7 years (while our daughter was in college in Texas), we received hate mail, giving at the church dropped off drastically, the associate pastor later had a heart attack. Larry told his two associates that he thought they should move to other churches, that he would finish this fight alone. We stayed with very few friends in a town that we found out later was very incestuous and filled with bi-sexual marriages. Finally with God's grace we were able to stabilize the church and hold the line for traditional marriage. We survived passing through Arkansas. God was with us.

Passing through Atlanta, the joy of our many years in the pastorate became a new church. A new church that we were able to build from scratch with the support and financial help of the largest Presbyterian church in America, Peachtree Presbyterian Church. In the hills of the north metro area of Atlanta, God sent us many funds, many talented people and His Grace to make this new church happen. We had an incredibly talented staff and amazing volunteers. It happened for 15 years passing through Atlanta.

Now we are passing through the United States of America in our rv. We are enjoying the pension that the Presbyterian Church USA has provided for Larry's many years of holding the line and loving his people. We are enjoying the social security benefits that are a result of our contributions through the years.

BUT, where we are passing through now is all changing. None of our benefits may last another year. We could lose all of our medical and social security. Is our pension secure? On looking at passing through, all is not clear. The great lifestyle advertised on "The Villages" may just disappear. While passing through, we will not be eligible for the swine flu vaccine - only those under 64. Anyone over 60 may not be eligible for hardly any kind of medical care such as stents, etc. Will they limit our driving age and we must park?

"The Brave New World" America began in the 60's, 70's, is coming to fruition and they want SOCIALISM. Very few of the masses right now get it. But they will when they reach the magic age of 60. They will get it when they watch their children bound by government constrictions that limit personal freedom of choice. Is no one going to hold the line for CAPITALISM?

Hey, but you know, "we are just passing through." God is still in control.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cookout at Wagonhammer RV Park

Yesterday evening, eight couples gathered on the banks of the Salmon River at Wagonhammer RV Park for a weiner/brats cookout complete with all the fixin's, including Rubye's Texas baked beans and Helen's watermelon cake. Represented in the gathering were the states of Texas, Arizona, Utah and Montana and Wyoming.

CAUTION! Killer Dachshund guarding the cookout!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


When the going gets tough, the TOUGH, get going. Pray that God will again enter the hearts of our representatives and senators, no matter what party they belong to. Pray that God will influence all of those in power in our country to hear and do His will. His will may not be exactly my will, but I want GOD'S WILL to be done. I am completely sure that whatever God desires for me is right for me and my country. Let's don't go the way of the materialistic Romans. Muslims pray to their higher power five times a day. How about all of us "plugging" into the power of God in prayer constantly asking for his plan for America and consequently for us. We are still free to pray as we wish, where we wish, and when we wish. Let's not give up and negate the greatest power we have. PRAYER. Busy people can pray, old people can pray, young people can pray, sick people can pray, people living in RV's out in the northwoods can pray.

PUT THE POWER TO USE - PRAY! And if you can, get on your knees!
I thank you.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Scenes from Salmon River & Panther Creek

Yesterday afternoon, we drove the 30 miles to Panther Creek to fish. Caught two small Rainbow trout, but nothing worth keeping. Here's some scenes from our drive. This guy was next to our truck. Just studied us and walked away to be with his family.
The River of No Return

Chopper came in with supplies.

U.S. branded mules belonging to the U.S. Forest Service

Boy Scout Camp on the Salmon River

Old Miner's Cabin
Helen getting water from Wagonhammer, clear, pure!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dinner at 100 Acre Wood...awesome! (Yes, Winnie the Pooh)

Last evening the four of us enjoyed a wonderful dinner at 100 Acre Woods Restaurant/Bed and Breakfast, 5 miles north of Wagonhammer RV Park here in North Fork. There are little nooks and crannies everywhere that remind you of Pooh. We met again a family that rafted with us, and also two couples (owners) from Wagonhammer RV park.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lemhi Mountain Pass (Lewis & Clark route)

This afternoon we drove to the Lemhi Pass, 7373 ft above sea level. It's a narrow gap in the Bitterroot Range, the backbone of America -- the Continental Divide. In August of 1805, Lewis (of Lewis and Clark fame) and a small advance party reach this most distant fountain of the mighty Missouri. They had hoped to find a river below to take them to the Pacific, but, lo and behold, in major disappointment, they beheld, in Lewis' words, "immense ranges of high mountains still to the west." Here's what they saw:
Pressing on to the west, they first tasted waters flowing to the Columbia River. Their woman Shoshone Indian guide, Sacajawea, gave birth just west of the pass. (Go to Google and look up Lewis and Clark mission to read of their incredible journey.)

On the way up to the pass, we came upon a stagecoach station used from 1869 until 1910. The small building where stagecoach workers stayed still stands, though is falling in. See it here:

We made it to the top of the pass and there had Rubye take our photo.

After a picnic lunch, walked down to the head water of a small creek that we are told is the beginning of the mighty Missouri River. Here we are standing at the head water of the creek. There is an aqua fir in the mountain that the sping trickles out of - unblievable that it is the mighty Missouri and that Lewis and Clark followed all the way to its beginning.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Shooting the Salmon Rapids

Yesterday, Helen and I and Rubye and Floyd rode the rapids of the Salmon River. A fantastic ride! I got thrown out of the raft once when a "perfect storm" wave threw us up in the air. Fortunately, I was able to grab the side rope of the raft and was eventually pulled back into the raft.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Having a blast in North Fork, Idaho

Russ, Linda, Shirley & Abner
This is probably the most beautiful and well run rv park that we have been privileged to park. The owners spend the winter in Lake Havasu, Arizona, but own and run the Wagonhammer Park in the summer. Shirley and Abner are so friendly and helpful. They put other managers to shame. At the drop of a hat, they will sit down in their lovely main office and chat or give advice. Shirley shops at the big markets in Phoenix and LA for her gift shop and it shows. I have never seen another one like it in my 8,0000 miles of travel. Books and DVD's are available for purusing in front of the big stone fireplace. Abner and his assistant Russ (and Russ' wife, Linda)are always showing up on their nifty little golf carts with a quip or joke of somekind about rv life. Many of the people here are repeaters as we are. Everyone wants to come back and stay with Shirley and Abner. They have all of the wines of Idaho on sale in their shop along with beautiful jewlery (that you can help make on a rainy day) and gorgeous jackets among other Idaho items or gifts of the northwest. Every Friday night is party night.

The fishing here on the Salmon river and Panther Creek is hot. We had a fish dinner two nights ago that Larry and his friend Floyd caught and dear Rubye fried for us. Delish! The other evening we sat in the cool evening air and watched a big long horn ram meander across the mountain right behind our trailer. There is a nest for the bald eagle and deer are constantly mingling with the horses that are kept here for trail rides. Shirley has arranged with the Rawhide Outfitters today for us to go white water rafting on the Salmon river - The River of No Return. It was named this by the gold miners because a loaded boat once down the river could not return upstream. This week end more "trail" friends are arriving from Utah to add to our party. Next week we will explore other fishing holes in the area. We are only 140 miles from Missoula where Larry had such a great time fishing on our sabbatical a few years ago. It is a great way to end our roaming and we return "home" to our girls at the end of the month. But first, we have to visit Torrey's Fishing Hole, Smiley's Lodge and Sun Valley, Idaho. (Somebody has to do it) All of this to say, that we have TV reception here and we are so UNHAPPY with the news coming out of Wahington, DC. It is apparent that we are watching the disentegration of our wonderful America. We know God is in control and wonder if the tsunami is not far behind. From this vantage point, the conservatives are doubling their blood pressure pills and PRAYING. Helen

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Musing

As I walked back from the RV Park office today, I thought -- here I am in the mountains of Idaho with a bald eagle studying me from a treetop on my left, and on my right a young deer walking by as long horn sheep graze on the mountain side as the beautiful Salmon River runs rapidly past our RV park -- what's a boy from the bayous of Mississippi doing here? I never ceased to be amazed at the awesome country I never truly knew existed, not just in the magnificent west, but east, west, north and south, and continually surprized that we are here. God has been undeservedly good to my sweetheart and me. Thank you, Lord.

Friday, July 10, 2009

North Fork, Idaho @ WaggonHammer RV Park & CC

We've met some very interesting folk along our journeys and this week has been no exception. A few days ago, at the 5 pm cocktail/potluck, we met an Iraqi vet who lost a leg in Iraq, then a year ago had a heart transplant! He and his wife are bicycling 70 miles on the Lewis and Clark trail. One false leg and somebody else's heart. Unbelievable! He and she had great positive attitudes. Makes me think about mine. Attitude, that is.

Yesterday, my friend Floyd and I drove up the mountain about 35 miles to fish Panther Creek. The streams are in fishing magazines! We caught 17 fish, two nice size Rainbow Trout and two Cutthroat Trout. Floyd caught 10 and I caught 7. He's Baptist. Is that the reason he's a better fisherman than I? Baptists like more water?

We drove by this guy. Saw 30 sheep. Friends that same day saw a herd of 100. Yesterday we saw sheep, a badger, a bald eagle in a tree near our RV, and deer.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sacajawea - Opening Up the Northwest Passage PLEASE READ "UNDAUNTED COURAGE" BY STEPHEN AMBROSE

As my friends who have talked to me recently will tell you, I am a huge fan of the Shoshone Indian woman Sacajawea who led the "white man" to the Northwest Passage. She did it carrying a babe in arms. Because she was carrying a baby, the others watching this entourage progressively moving into Indian territory assumed it was a friendly party. Who can deny passage for a woman with a babe in arms? I have spoken so consistently about Sacajawea that my "friends" are now calling me by that name. I will quickly assure you that I am not anywhere near the caliber of lady that she was. WALKING OVER THESE MOUNTAINS and maintaining a family at the same time, GET OVER IT - that is NOT me! I am doing well with a poweful diesel truck pulling my home away from home. It is equipped with heat and air, gas stove, lights, TV and fireplace. Also, cell phone and computer! I am really "roughing" it.

By now, all of you reading this will realize that this is Helen writing and not Larry. We have been having a wonderful time with old friends and new on the Lewis and Clark trail. Many of the past days, Larry and I have been out of range of TV, cell phone or computer OR all three. Because of this separation from the NEWS of the world, it has been quite peaceful. However, now we are back "in the know" with TV. Still having problems with cell phone reception and the wifi comes and goes.
I am taking advantage of a small window of wifi this morning to write this blog.

When you are isolated from the news of the world and all you have to take in is the absolute beauty around you, your thoughts turn more and more to God. I have to say that my prayer life has greatly improved and I spend many days thinking about the "other very busy world" and praying for all of those I know and love. I also spend many moments thanking God for my present life style that put us on the Lewis and Clark trail. I thank God for introducing us to Idaho thru my daughter and her girls.

However, two days ago, the TV came alive again with all of the wonderful news of the world. Because we had not had the news for awhile, it has sounded louder and more depressing than ever. What a mess!!! How did we get in such a mess! What in the world are our children going to do trying to live in and thru this mess!

I have never been the political member of this team. Larry has always lead the way, but I am so concerned and so fed up with the mess in our government that I have made up my mind that I have to do something to help clean up the mess! Most Moms and Grandmoms are great mess cleaner uppers!

I have been talking and talking to God about what am I suppose to be doing for Him right now at this time in my life. I think I have arrived at the answer! America is very sick and needs nursing back to health. It is very needy and needs some TLC.
America needs some strong Moms and Grandmoms to lead the way. We have to keep fighting the fight for our children and their children. We have make sure that our children know what the Consitution of our Founding Fathers says. We have to make sure that our children know what the Bible says. We have to show the children how to stand tall with the Constitution in one hand and the Bible in the other hand.

I am not sure where this is all leading me but I AM TIRED OF THE MESS! There is no clarity of speech about what is RIGHT and what is WRONG anywhere! Someone who still knows the difference between RIGHT AND WRONG FROM GOD'S WORD must speak out and share this with the children before it is lost forever.

This is all that I plan to say about this right now. I still have a lot of questions to ask God and prayers to be said for answers. All I ask right now is that you talk to God and pray for answers with me. Let us at least seek to find answers for our children's future. Pray that God raises up a leader to show the way. Sacajawea was not afraid to plunge ahead into unknown territory with babe in arms and look for solutions to finding the trail. Let us strike out with her and follow her search for a NEW passage for America. Is there a new contemporary "Sacajawea" to follow? We are running out of time and we must pray!

Helen on the trail of Sacajawea

Saturday, July 4, 2009










Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Visiting Victor, ID, and Fishing Pine Creek on The Teton Pass - 8,500 ft.

Today we drove 30 miles to historic Victor, ID, had a great lunch in a local cafe and purused the shops.

Late afternoon we drove up the Teton Pass so I could flyfish one of the magnificent local streams. The Snake River is too high, too fast and too cloudy for fishing. The Department of Game/Fish opened the local creeks on July 1, so I wanted to try Pine Creek. Helen positioned herself high on the cliff overhead to take the following photos. A local Orvis guy told me the creeks would likely yield some small fish initially and that I should use ant flies which are so small it's difficult to tie the fly to your leader. I had 8-10 strikes by small fish but no catches. But it was great to get on the water again, enjoy the scenery and try to catch the elusive trout. There were maybe a dozen other flyfishers on the creek, but plenty of room for all of us.

The creek from Helen's vantage point:
Tying one of those tiny flies:
Getting in rhythm:
Looking for signs of rising fish:

Texas Molly II Gets a New "Horse" next Monday

We have been pulling "Molly II" with an '07 two door Dodge Ram 2500 6.7L diesel. It's been a great truck, but two problems arise with a two door -- can't haul grandkids with no back seat ... and things in the truck bed get wet in the rain. So, yesterday I drove to Blackfoot, ID to check on an ad I had seen for an '09 Dodge Ram 2500. While there I got a call from a friend in Pocatello, ID who suggested I call the Dodge dealer in Salmon, ID where he bought his truck. I did so. When the dealer where I was made an offer I got a call from the Salmon dealer who made me an offer I could not refuse...a new, never-been-driven '08 Dodge Ram 2500 diesel 6.7L four door Big Horn edition (with lots of extras) and offered it to me with a $18K discount! I accepted his offer, told the dealer in front of whom I was sitting that he had been outbid, thanked him, and left.

We go to North Fork, ID this Saturday to spend three weeks with Floyd and Rubye Box, friends we met at North Fork a year ago. On Monday of next week, I will drive to Salmon (15 miles from North Fork) to sign papers for the new Ram and bring it to North Fork. Now Molly II will have a new 'horse' to pull her. Here's a pic of the new Ram (can't wait to see and get it):