In my nearly 45 years as an ordained Presbyterian minister, I read all of the Bible at one time or the other, different portions of Scripture at different times. But I do not recall reading the Bible from cover to cover, from Genesis to Revelation, without skipping. Oh, I started that discipline many times, but as I recall, I never completed reading the entire Bible from cover to cover in a specified time frame.
Last Fall Helen joined Covenant Presbyterian Church in Boise, Idaho. We worship there together most Sundays when we are in the Boise/Nampa area as we usually are August 1 until January 1 (this year we may stay longer than January 1). Covenant is a wonderful congregation, full of loving, gracious people, a testimony to their faithful discipleship and to their outstanding pastor/preacher, Phil Moran, and his wife, Charla.
Recently Covenant introduced a reading program called “The Bible in Ninety Days”. The program consists, not only of reading the Bible every day for 90 days (and thus completing reading the Bible from cover to cover); there are also discussion classes and videos to undergird the program. The leadership of Covenant Presbyterian is asking each member to seriously consider 'Reading The Bible in 90 Days'. You do not have to attend a class to participate in this program.
Helen and I signed up for ‘The Bible in 90 Days’ and began last week our reading the Bible from cover to cover in the three month period. There is a printed schedule to guide you in completing the reading. Usually you are required to read about 12 chapters a day. Helen reads her chapters at various times of the day because she is usually helping with the grandchildren at odd hours. I am usually reading my 12 chapters in the evening, though I did read mine this afternoon while waiting for a friend to come visit.
The bottom line of this musing is this: though I have read the Bible for decades, studied it in schools and in preparation for sermons and Bible studies I led, I’ve discovered a new joy and inspiration from reading daily right through the Bible. I’m seeing stories I don’t remember. I'm seeing characters I don’t remember. I’m reading chronologies I don’t recall. Best of all, I am hearing God speak through his Word in a new and fresh way. And I’m understanding ‘stuff’ I did not understand before, or had not stopped long enough to consider.
So, I’m encouraging you to check it out. You can begin the reading any day, even today! Use any translation you wish, though it is recommended that you use the NIV. I do believe you will be blessed as I and Helen are being blessed. Here’s the link: