Are we more outraged over what might happen to undocumented illegal immigrants than we are outraged over what is happening right now to our children? Does child pornography, the sexual exploitation of children and the taking of the Lord’s name in vain not raise our ire? All of these are condemned by the social witness policy of the PCUSA and yet denominational leadership, which is vociferous in its outrage over immigration, is deafeningly silent about the broadcasting of child sex acts.Sad day in our Presbyterian history.
This quote I saw on the net says a lot:
The votes on Amendment 10-A are growing very close with 10-A ahead at the moment. There is a kind of bravery that, perhaps unintentionally, lends itself to darkness in the face of such a victory for sin.Meanwhile, U.S. states are in turmoil amid massive protests over state debt and the means to stop the economic bleeding. Countries the globe over are experiencing violent dissent and uprisings. Greed on all sides runs rampant. Sad day for us all.
Making things even worse...think about these facts: 50% of the world's hospitalization are water-related illnesses; 2.5 billion people do not have adequate water sanitation facilities; 800 million people do not have access to clean water; and worse -- 1.5 MILLION CHILDREN DIE OF WATER-RELATED ILLNESSES EVERY YEAR! And we pay pro athletes millions upon millions annually AND we pay college coaches millions. Wonder what God thinks of our priorities? Sad day for millions of kids!
And check out this site:
The PCUSA's race to approve the ordination of practicing homosexuals is spitting in the face of Jesus!
March 2, 2011
Then this, from Naming His Grace by Viola Larson, March 3, 2011:
One of the more troubling aspects of the possibility of Amendment 10-A winning in the Presbyteries is the thought that some are voting yes because they are weary of the battle over GLBT ordination standards. And in fact this was one of the issues that Sacramento’s presenter for 10-A brought up. That is the need to get beyond all of the conflict and simply do mission. Those Presbyterians who feel this way have no knowledge of the monstrosity waiting out beyond the boundaries of gay ordination and same gender marriage.
So the monstrosity that will enter the church with the passage of 10-A is a worldview founded in deviant sexuality with an emphasis on justice as it grows out of such sexuality. Combined with such a worldview is a pagan view of spirituality that insists that all sexuality is a door and connecter to God. A yes to 10-A will almost immediacy set aside the authority of Scripture and even the Confessions, it will eventually sit aside God’s revelation in Jesus Christ.
To lay aside this battle is to enter a far bigger one which can only end in a denomination shattered in every direction. And rightfully so-it will be the judgment of God. It can only end with the sheep of God’s pasture wounded and wandering. How can anyone refuse to be bothered by the very battle which belongs to God’s calling?