"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."
-- 1887, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinborough, re the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior.
"Not only can we look back to the pagan proclivity in parts of our denomination to do away with unwanted children but now the general push toward accepting sexual deviancy is affecting all else causing further sins of greed, manipulation and lies. Deviant sexuality and the sacrifice of children for the good of society are pagan values and just as they brought God’s judgment on ancient Israel, so they will bring God’s judgment on a denomination. Since it is supposedly okay to ordain those involved in unrepentant same gender sex, unrepentant sexual activity outside the bounds of marriage and unrepentant adultery, a different slant on morality may engulf much of our leadership."
-- Viola Larson, in her blog, Naming His Grace
"Since the watershed event passage of the provision to ordain homosexuals, is just now a present reality. Since we have declared that the Bible is no longer the ultimate authority in the PC(USA) and that human wisdom is superior to God's wisdom, many of us are resolved to distance ourselves from the Church body that nurtured and ordained us. It feels like the Presbyterian Church (USA) has changed the terms of the covenant I committed myself to honor in 1979, when I took vows of ordination."
"There is serious talk of a “New Reformed Body” – that is, a new denomination based on the theology and structure of Presbyterianism. It is impossible to know precisely where such plans will lead. It is certain, that God hates the breaking of any covenant relationship – a marriage or a denomination. As much as God hates divorce He hates faithlessness more. That is why Jesus declares that God’s law “allows” divorce because of the hardness of the human heart."
-- Gary Miller, in his blog, Reforming Gary
"I will not participate actively nor passively as any presbytery or congregation within the PCUSA ordains or installs anyone who persists in behavior defined by the Bible as sin. As one who knows God’s righteous decrees I cannot approve of those who do not practice them and thereby place myself under the same condemnation (Romans 1).
"Recognizing that this stand puts me at variance with the PCUSA, I know not what else to do but to set aside my ordination until my denomination repents of its corporate sin and returns to a shared standard of ordination aligned with the Scriptures. When the PCUSA changes its position on this matter, I look forward to the reinstatement of my ordination."
"Until then, I will joyfully serve as your sister in Christ in the PCUSA without the benefit of institutional ordination credentials and without the burden of a denomination’s corporate guilt. I hereby humbly set aside my ordination as a matter of conscience before the Lord."
-- Carmen Fowler LaBerge, president of the Presbyterian Layman