We are getting ready for the week end and had to recharge Texas Molly II's batteries yesterday as she is operating in dry doc.
Relatives are coming for the week end we hear. Yeah! Our family hails from Nova Scotia to Mississippi and Conneticutt to Washington. There is something about this place that always brings all of us back at some time.
Being Memorial Day week end, there is going to be a re-enactment at Fort Michilimackinac of the time the Indians played ball outside of the fort with tomahawks hidden under their blankets. When the ball "accidentally" went into the fort and the gate was opened, that was all she wrote for the occupants of the fort - the massacre at Fort Michilimackinac in the 1700's. It should be an exciting day.
Went to church at the Mackinaw Presbyterian/Methodist Church on Sunday and heard a good sermon about "I am the vine, you are the branches, and you will bear fruit". The church was very full and not enough room in the choir loft for the volunteer choir. I believe some early summer people were there like us. It was good to be there again. A nice peacefulness settled over me as I was sitting next to my "retired" preacher husband. Larry is enjoying his retirement and reaping all of the benefits of his hard work in the vineyard. The church has lots of plans for the coming summer months, The locals also are the actors at the fort this week end.
The cold, cold nine months of winter here bring on an absolutely beautiful 3 month summer at the Straits of Mackinaw. It is almost time for the 47 varieties of lilacs to bloom that the French imported to Michigan soil. The Lilac Festival is in June on Mackinaw Island.
Well, I have to do my chores and then we are going to the big lake today - Michigan -and walk the sand dunes. Yes, the Great Lakes are the colors of the Carribean and the sand dunes are a beautiful white sand dotted with evergreen trees. A real treat! We are "Somewhere in Time'.
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