Thursday, January 28, 2010

Musings, 012810, in Nevada

As I get older my drive off the tee doesn't go as far as it used to, but, of course, it has nothing to do with my swing speed at contact. Just so you understand: since I don't see as well as I used to, I decided to keep my drives short.

Does Obama consider us so dense we cannot see through his unwillingness to tell the truth? Two million jobs saved (not created, you see) and three millions jobs lost. Hummm. I get it: two million people did not lost their jobs. Three million did.

If I contract Alzheimer's, I hope someone will tell me before I can no longer understand what is being told me. But don't confuse Alzheimer's with normal aging.

As RVers like to say, "Home is where I park it." I've discovered that if I have a problem of some sort with Texas Molly II and don't know what to do or how to fix it, all I have to do is stand out from the rig, fold my arms and stare at TMII. Eventually, another RVer or two will show, saying, "Got a problem I can help with?"

Obama failed to mention in his SOTUA: (1) Gitmo and (2) the Christmas bomber in civil court. Of course, he repeatedly blamed George Bush for most every ill in America. Hey, the teleprompter told him to say it!

Golf is a lot like life. Keep it in the fairway and you will stay out of trouble. Stray from the straight and narrow and you will suffer.

When Jeff Gordon wins his fifth championship and I'm too old to celebrate, someone party for me, raise a glass to # 24.

Obama will 'freeze' discretionay spending, but (!) will spend $30,000,000,000 to create jobs. Or is it to 'save' jobs? I get confused. I just don't get it, do you?

I believe Danica Patrick will be a winner in the ARCA series, to the consternation of many rednecks in NASCAR. When she beats Dale, Jr, watch the fur fly!

Obama says his administration has had more success than his predecessor at killing terrorists. It is an impossible claim to verify, like many of his claims.

I'm a Peyton Manning fan, but a huge New Orleans Saints fan. Saints over Colts by 3.

If John McCain could strut like BHO and look down his nose at the crowds, he'd be our President now. But strutting is an art form. Snobbery is not.

I'm not a Tiger Woods fan. Neither was I a Wilt Chamberlain fan. For the same reason. But I should be fair. Tiger only had 12 bimbos. Wilt had 10,000, so it is Wilt!

When a golf partner recently made a 40' putt on a sloping green, I remembered what an Arkansas friend said on the occasion of making such a putt: "Just like lettuce, nothing to it."

I've played football, tennis, baseball and ran track. None with notable success. But golf is the most humbling game I've ever played ... and the most addictive.

God does not deduct from the alloted time of man those hours spent in fishing.

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